Saturday, December 12, 2009

Artist Statement

My exhibit remains online. Net Art is shown to express the realm of possibilities artists can experience once in avatar form. Since the 90’s, internet users have discovered another world to perform in-an ability to create a masked “YOU” by using an avatar, who may or may not replicate your identity. The unknown world of two-way communication turned some weariness onto the internet but the security has strengthened in the past ten years to make users comfortable with their new digs. Performance based artists are using online forums to produce their work.

Artists like Mouchette, DC Spensley and groups like Second Front are all sharing forums like Second Life as a space for their performances. Those artists are all featured in this exhibit-unveiling the true realm of possibilities for Net Art. Each artist brings a different style to his or her performances. Second Front uses grotesque reactions to historical events. DC Spensley uses organic art and musical compositions to create sublime spaces for his viewers. Mouchette uses anonymity to attract her audience and expand their imagination. All these artists are real people using avatars to perform their art.

As far as how popular these artists are. is so incredibly appealing a fan has created allows its users to pretend they are Mouchette and develop the site. DC Spensley allows only 30 avatars to his performances and the tickets sell out well in advance. Second Front is a universal art group that has members in both US and Europe. The online world takes what is happening in the real world and multiplies its possibilities because of the World Wide Web. I have included a game at the bottom of my page. My performance addition brought to you by the makers of Feel free to play around, bring a friend along too.

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